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Satisfaction and Loyalty Research

STAWIN is a specialized institution in customer satisfaction index measure, customer satisfaction improvement research, satisfaction measure software development as well as satisfaction training and employee satisfaction assessment.

STAWIN is using a customer satisfaction measurement system that is developed upon the research results by Zhejiang University since 1996, and STAWIN has carried out satisfaction measurement and consulting for dozens of major firms in sectors of banking, telecom, IT, energy, fast consumer goods, manufacturing, automotive and other industries.

STAWIN has formed a long-term strategic partnership with the Mathematics Department of Zhejiang University trying to find out the relationship between customer and employee satisfaction and tangible business results, namely market share, revenue and profitability, for which our satisfaction measurement provides important guidance for your marketing works.

盈联是市场研究业内商务智能开发与应用的先行者,STAWIN BI作为盈联的商务智能服务品牌,旨在提升利益相关者研究服务的先进性,推动核心研究成果的实物化与工具化,让我们的客户更加有信心的基于调研成果制定关键决策。
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